I love my
iBook. For those who know me some might say this is the reason I'm still single (and no funny comments about my beard either) - because I'm really attached to it. It goes with me everywhere - and I mean everywhere. At the beginning of this year I took it with me on our Garden route trip - and we used it to keep up to date with the latest breaking news (via
Google) on the Asia tsunami where Kath's brother Mike and his girlfriend Fern were (we'd heard they had flown into Phuket the day before the tsunami - turns out they were still in Vietnam but it caused us some anxious days).
I've taken my Mac with me to China and it's been great - they work on the same power as SA so I just plug in and I'm ready to go. I've used it to keep up to date with my website work in SA, keep in email contact,
chat as well as
skype. I've uploaded my
flickr photos and kept this blog updated, bought some skype credits and called Mom, Heath and Lynd at work and on their cellphones through my laptop using the (free) hotel internet connection.

Currently I'm sitting on a train in north eastern China typing out this entry while looking at some spectacular scenery outside.
I love my